Tuesday, February 9, 2010

You know, I love ceramics. I like feeling clay as something that is made as the same stuff as me, and then making something out of it. I never really bought into the whole 'life cycle, earth cycle' notion, though I know fully well it exists. I prefer what my art history teacher told me. Things come in waves. With ceramics, I do however feel the cycle of earth to earth and then back into other. It's pleasing, fulfilling, and maybe what art is meant to be. I don't know much about art yet so I can't say. I don't really feel the same with sculpture. There are so many materials that it is impossible to grasp all of them. Is it wrong, then, that I stick with my sculpture major as opposed to switching to ceramics? But what a ridiculous thing! to be a ceramacist only; all men think of is teapots and tea parties. I prefer my tea parties at the harbor of Boston and my art in a field rather than a glass case. Maybe I could join the movement and hail along as "ceramics as equal!", which I believe they are. But I think it's silly to rub in the point when most people hardly move past the first ten percent of artistic knowledge anyway.

Friday, January 29, 2010

"This is This"

Stoneware, 2009-2010

New Sculpture

Stoneware, Black Glaze
approx. 13x7 in.